Friday, July 10, 2009

AAPKI ANTRA..............

There has been no derth of media cashing in on disabilities, from hearing loss to stammaring... making fun of the character involved. A latest addition to this farce is this serial "Aapki Antara" on ZEE TV (MOn-Fri, 8.30 pm). It is a story about A little girl of 5yrs named Antra who is a high functioning child with Autism. There are a few objections to the content being shown:

  • I strongly object to the use of the word "autistic", It should be 'child with Autism' or 'child in the Autistic Spectrum'. Since there is a struggle towards social acceptance of these children.... charity should begin at home.
  • the test battery shown in the serial is very misleading. Similarly the charges are exaggerated. Many of my clients have come up with doubts which were extremel;y unrelevant. None of my clients have ever been through CT scans!! and in what way does it determine Severity of Autism?
  • The overall picture given to the father about Autistic Spectrum Disorders is entirely dismal. They seem to have forgotton about the children who do well academically in regular schools, are self dependant and mingle well with normally developing peers. As a result many viewer parents who have newly received the news of their children being in the spectrum recently, have begun with a very negative attitude and professionals have spent hours counselling them.

I hope certain facts are conveyed realistically in the up coming episodes. these children deserve to live with dignity. The society needs to be educated about this group to foster easy acceptance. Same applies to schools so that they agree to give opportunities to these children. I believe that if the serial does not head in the right direction, it will just land up being another family drama, besides misleading people.

Ideally a doccumentry on the Autistic Spectrum Disorders spread over a few episodes andf shown across TV channels would have been a good idea to create awareness,

Nonetheless, the serial is a good beginning and i hope it has a meaningful and logical run!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

concessions........ BUT.......

Heartiest congratulations to all parents and professionals who have been instrumental in getting the concessions for children in the Autistic Spectrum (see attached link). This had been going on for a long time and it was time that these differently abled got their due. However implementation of the concessions is a very difficult task and those involved are up for a tough battle ahead. One may now ask ...... why is that so?.
Well theer are a few important issues:
  • Unlike in cases of LD where demarcation of the children under categories like Dyslexia, dysgraphia etc can be made, it is different in case of the children with Autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder and a child may lie anywhere in the spectrum and exhibit those symptoms which are predominantly in those areas. Thus no 2 childrem with similar severity demonstrate similar behaviour and so does the prognosis.
  • though ADHD/ADD is a symptom of Autism, the reverse is not necessarily true. Then what happens to children with ADD/ADHD without Autism. They (not all) find it difficult to cope too. Do they get diagnosed with Autism, just to avail of the concessions?
  • currently these concessions will be made available to children in the 9th and 10th grade. How many children in the Autistic spectrum are able to make it to the 9th grade?
  • many schools do not integrate children with Autism even when they are high functioning. Many are asked to leave school. What happens to these children? though NIOS is an option (again very much later) what about the holistic development of thses children?

Personally I feel, before going in for academic concessions, getting an admission to a regular school should be a priority......... at least an opportunity should be given to children who are capable of regular schooling. It is their right to education and more importantly , a dignified living.